Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting Back to Work

Hi Y'all.

I know it's been quite a many months since I've updated my rollicking Art Deco Sage "Rage in Hell" but I am back and I feel the time is right to end my hiatus.
I want to get back to work on this story because I really do love it.
At the time I went on hiatus with my story, I was having a lot of trouble in my personal life. I had lost my father in late March and became so engrossed with tying his final affairs that I don't think I really let myself grieve properly. And it just all kind of ganged up on me and I needed the break.
But I have since recovered and am ready to tackle that 1930s sentimentality that is so close to my heart.

Never fear, I never did stop writing. In the meantime to keep my skills sharp, I managed to pen a couple of adult stories for my erotica blog. I also had a renewed interest in pop band 3T, who happen to be Michael Jackson's nephews.
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Of course if you were reading my story before I went on my break, you'd know I used much younger versions o those pictured. As my story is set in 1931 in Louisiana, I used a younger Michael. He's 25-years-old in the story and looks much as he did during the Thriller days/Victory Tour.

"Life of the Party" Michael serving up that hot preppy look.:

And for a few chapters, 3T, Taj, Taryll and TJ, all appear as children, visiting their Uncles Michael and Marlon in Louisiana from New York. (with two of Jermaine's daughters)
Little Bitty 3T.:

I am currently re-reading my story now from the start to get a feel again for the themes and plots, but I'll go back to work writing RIH very very soon. We still have the theatres to open and bring Mr. Chaplin back! I'm extremely excited!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chapter Twenty-Four--PART ONE


Early the Next Morning
Jackson Manor
Rainelle Parish, Louisiana

Vylette Meraux was in high spirits that Thursday morning, as she stepped from the sunken tub, a few stray suds clinging to her bare back, and reached for one of the large, fluffy, monogrammed towels, bearing the initials of her beloved in cherry-red, silken thread on a brilliant white background, keeping in step with the rest of the tri-colored room.
Whilst having a daily bath was nothing new to Vylette, whom had taken a bath each and every morning of her natural life since her birth in nineteen-thirteen, the same monotonous act took on a radiant charm, when performed within the walls of that elegant white manse atop the hill.
At her parent's home, a bath was a utilitarian affair, consisting of a tub of warm or hot water, depending on the weather, and the lathering of one's body with an economical cake of Lifebuoy.
Further stretching dimes into dollars, a single cake was used to clean the five bodies of Vylette's immediate family.
There were no frills, no extravagances, no...'extras' as her mother called it.
That was quite a different tale when Vylette cleansed herself at the Manor.
Baths were always taken screaming hot, as no matter how scorching the weather outside, inside the mansion remained cool and placid as a Northern spring, thanks to the air conditioning system running at all times.
Something so simple was transformed into a sumptuous, luxurious affair, all done by the loving, spoiling hand of one Michael Jackson.
In the wall overlooking the bathtub, a shelving unit had been overloaded with dozens of glass bottles, in various, shapes, colors and forms, most of which bore labels in languages foreign to the teen's eyes. And from these bottles, Vylette could have her pick of the very best bubble bath and bath salts that money could buy.
Certainly some bore strong, obviously masculine scents like those of amber, woods and leathers, but for the most part, the treasures had been purchased with a female in mind and possessed more delicate aromas as vanillas, musks, florals and citruses.
There was no Lifebuoy to be found at Jackson Manor, not that it wasn't a good soap, it was one of the most popular in the country; it just didn't suit the men of the house's tastes.
Mildly arrogant Marlon was rumored to use a soap that was milled by hand in some small, uncharted French town, imported every few weeks as needed, or so Lorraine bragged, and for Michael, whom Vylette had recently learned had something of a sensitivity to the harsh chemicals in most soaps, used the pure white cakes of Ivory on his slim brown body.
That hadn't stopped her love from purchasing her own cakes of French-milled soap. Bright pink, fragrant ovals with “Bouquet Rosé” stamped on it, Vylette felt as though immersed in a billion rosebuds each time she used it.
The rosy scent was one that lingered with Vylette that morning, as in her pleasant whimsy, she had dumped both rose-scented salt granules and bubble bath into the tub and the scent had rapidly gone from enchanting to quite overpowering in the half-hour she took to scrub herself.
It had produced something of a high in the young woman, leaving her with a giddy, refreshed feeling, as she wrapped the towel around her body and stepped towards the lit vanity a few feet away.
Hastily, she removed the handful of pins she had thrown into her hair, putting it up to avoid its getting wet as she had bathed, and the bulk of waved, ebony tresses fell down her back.
With a sweep of her hand, the steam that had accumulated on the looking-glass was removed and the heart-shaped face squinched a bit, as she stared down at the varied assortment of toiletries arranged on the red marble tabletop.
There were so many things displayed there, her expensive perfumes, Michael's costly colognes, which she noticed boasted more than just his standard, Midnight in Tunisia, in its lead crystal bottle made to resemble a toucan,with a full, yellow beak, both of their hair dressing systems and vanity sets.
Michael's vanity set was as plain as hers was extravagant, combs and brushes and a hand mirror of tortoise shell, his initials in gold script on the back of each.
Her heart softened to know that soon, before the year ended, she would view this very setup each morning, as Michael's wife and she glowed vibrantly all over, her heartbeats quickening at the cherished thought.
It was a fantasy that, in a matter of a few months time, would be a reality.
But Vylette, a creature of habit when it came to starting out with getting herself dressed and coiffed, was seeking out one bottle in particular, the most important item she'd put on all day.
Spying the sizable, round bottle with the domed black top, she lifted it up. Dew, instant deodorant had been a mainstay to the teen for years, and the best guard against becoming unladylike with “B.O.” especially on a day like today, when she'd spend the bulk of it in the out of doors enjoying the sights and sounds of New Orleans celebrating the nation's birthday.
And it was social suicide for a lady to offend in such a careless manner. At least, that was what Vylette had been staunchly taught and wholeheartedly believed.
Unscrewing the cap, the liquid inside sloshing, Vylette was quick to use the sponge applicator to apply a layer to the smooth flesh of her underarms, protecting her from perspiration for the rest of the day.
As Vylette removed the towel and began to dry herself briskly, encouraging her fatigued blood to start pumping, she was completely oblivious to the fact that, for quite some time, she had been covertly being watched.
Perched, just outside what appeared to be the shut door leading back to the master bedroom, Michael Jackson leaned against the frame, one deep, somber eye peering through the imperceptible crack he'd made in the door.
Michael, still dressed in sedate black satin pajamas, over which he'd carelessly thrown a robe, embossed in glinting silver thread with renditions of intertwining leaves and branches, had stood for so long, he could no longer feel his feet, which had gone to sleep inside of his suede slippers.
His hands pressed over his slim chest where his heart pounded like a tom-tom against his sternum as he observed Vylette's body, the creamy, cool skin, which was now being softened further by the massaging of fragrant lotion onto its every surface.
His breath was staggered, noting the matured breasts that seemed astonishing when he realized they belonged to a mere eighteen-year-old, watching her turn and smooth more lotion onto her thighs, offering a flash of forbidden triangle, shorn and pink at his request, then another turn revealed her plump buttocks, a dimple in the right cheek.
She was so beautiful, so breathtaking, so alluring to him.
It was murder not to put his hands on her, but he was determined to not “spoil” Vylette in the way he knew his brother had done with her cousin.
The way he had, before he'd married his first wife, Helen.
Keeping his young bride-to-be be 'pure' until they were man and wife was as important to him, perhaps even more so, than it was to her.
He wasn't an impetuous, impatient seventeen-year-old dazzled by an elevated chorus girl any more.
The naked girl in his bathroom far exceeded that.
She was sweet and kind and down-to-earth, church-going...everything Michael had yearned for in a mate. All the things Helen had never been.
Helen had been fast, and coarse and tawdry, elements Michael had blissfully ignored because he thought he had been in love.
When she kept taking his money, he happily gave it to her, when she stayed out till all hours, without him, he simply read books to pass the time, when she came home roaring drunk on bootleg liquor and cursing him like he'd grown a tail from his ass, he'd turned a deaf ear to the insults and tucked her away in bed with a kiss.
He was in love.
Only when Helen had birthed that Oriental-looking baby, had the illusion finally been shattered, and Michael Jackson along with it.
It had taken Michael Jackson years to get over the pain of his heart break, the woe of his first wife having a child he couldn't have possibly fathered.
Michael looked again to the nude, now sweetly humming a classical tune in her fine soprano, splashing East of Egypt onto all of her pressure points.
Michael had so many hopes, so many dreams pinned onto her.
He desperately wanted a happy married life, living in the house his mother had grown up in. Wanted to have a family of children that were biologically his. So many nights Michael had laid awake fantasizing about sons who resembled him, mischievous little imps with his dark eyes, and dainty, feminine little daughters who favored Vylette, pale with those strange, haunting lavender eyes. He had no certain figure of how many children he wanted to see born and grow. He'd have been as happy with one as he would have with twenty!
He only knew he wanted to be with Vylette and had from the moment he'd first set eyes on her, only four months ago.
And now, even from where he stood in the door, he could see the light bouncing off of the twelve-carat pink diamond on her left hand.
Michael continued to linger, his gaze unwavering, until Vylette first slipped on a thin, pale pink teddy with a lace insert on the bosom, and concealed it with a matching pink satin robe.
Once she was seated on the backless, tufted stood before the mirror, and running a brush through her waist-length locks, he raised a hand, and tapped the wood of the door meekly.
The hairs on the back of his neck rose when the soft voice called to him in French.
Slowly, the door cracked wider, and Michael, blood pulsating in his ears, slipped inside, the room reeking of both rosewater and the heavier, musky notes of Vylette's newest perfume.
He stopped a moment, watching as Vylette tied a white cotton scarf on her head, very close to her forehead as she prepared to apply her makeup and the wrapping would keep her very white powder from spoiling her very black hairline.
Bon jour Cheri...” Vylette grinned in welcome, twisting the lid off the low black jar of vanishing crème.
It was a knee-jerk reaction for Michael to answer her in German,
Guten tag, Mein Leibling.”
He stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and bent, kissing the gentle curve where her neck and shoulder met, to avoid tasting the crème she was massaging into her face as a base for the rest of the cosmetics to go on.
I...I know you're putting your face on, Darling...” He started, not exactly sure where he was going to end up just yet. “...but I was wondering if I could have a word with you for a few moments.”
Of course...” Vylette remarked absently, going after her neck and decolletage.
The second tufted stool, over by the bathtub was easily lifted and toted, being place at Vylette's side, and he took a seat on it, crossing one long leg over the other.
Again he was silent a long moment, eyes trained on his lover, who was starting to go after her eyes with a heathered, bluish-gray shadow using a small brush, concentrating it mostly on her lids, causing her eyes to glow luminously in her face, and softening the effect as it ran up to her sparse brows, yet to be penciled in. dress are you wearing?” He questioned hoarsely, knowing full well he'd seen the garment when Adelaide had brought it in earlier, after she had starched and ironed it to a crisp.
A red-tipped thumb was jerked backwards.
On the far end of the room, suspended from a peg was Vylette's dress, a sophisticated creation of airy, long-sleeved eggshell silk, with a wide, robin's-egg blue scarf draped over it.
On the floor, on top of a round hat box were the matching blue, white and black beret, clutch and pumps.
Chanel?” Michael wondered, not giving a hoot in hell whom had designed the ensemble.
Madeline Vionnet.” Vylette corrected him, now spreading crème rouge onto her cheeks, smiling to bring out the apples.
Did she have to look so pretty, even when she wasn't completely made up yet?
Closing his eyes, Michael gulped loudly, willing himself to speak on the subject he actually wanted to discuss.
Vylette...” His hand closed on her shoulder once more, drawing her attention.
Yes?”” He faltered a moment. “You do know once all this brouhaha with the theatre openings is behind us, we'll begin the preparations for our wedding, don't you?”
The tube of lipstick she had been wielding tumbled from her hand and landed on the floor with a small clatter, and she grew so very pale, blue veins became visible on her flesh.
We, we will?” Was all Vylette could manage as the room began to spin and tilt like a funhouse around her.
Although Vylette knew she was to marry the man of her dreams, only then did it seem so amazingly, shockingly real when pointed out to her about starting the arrangements for it.
Yes...” More at ease, Michael's face shone with confidence. “...I figured we could publicly announce our engagement next Sunday at Mass and then we could start with the preparations. We'll have to get a wedding planner and a locate a caterer and find you a dress designer...”
Michael continued to speak, but Vylette heard little of it.
Her wedding!
She was going to plan her wedding! And despite all of her very pious upbringing that had been bedrocked with the utmost in modesty, Vylette wanted a grand wedding. Something of an affair like bawdy Lorraine boasted about time and again.
The kind of wedding the likes of which had never been seen in Rainelle Parish.
A huge, extravagant party.
Alas, a girl was only supposed to have one wedding!
Vylette wanted it to be a wang-dang-doodle that would be talked about for years to come. It may have been selfish, but she truly had heart set on such a wing-ding. She had for quite a spell of time, although she was unsure of how to communicate her wants to her fiance.
...I don't believe we'll be able to have our ceremony at St. Ignatius...”
Vylette was brought back crashing down to earth at that statement.
Scandalized, she swung to Michael, who was retrieving her lipstick tube.
Michael!” She gasped, eyes growing in horror, “We have to be married in a Catholic church! It's expected! Every woman in my family for nearly a hundred years has married in the Catholic way! Why, I'd never hear the end of it from Mama if I didn't!”
She didn't want to think of how her mother would perform if her eldest child wasn't married in an ironclad religious ceremony.
There may have been a lot of newfangled things her mother had been forced to tolerate, but this was the straw that would break the proverbial camel's back if Vylette dared to break with tradition.
Religion was one thing Kathleen Meraux would not endure anyone going left on.
Immediately, a large hand was flagging at her to calm her.
Don't get your gander up! Don't get it up!” Michael was quick to exclaim,
We'll be married in a church with a Catholic ceremony, you can count on that! I didn't go through the trouble of converting for nothing! It's just St. Ignatius is quite small, and once we get to inviting the family and friends most everybody in the Parish, and Marlon throws his ass in the fire with everyone he's trying to get in good with at the Club, people would piled up be ten to a seat.”
Her bare knee was patted in assurance.
We just need to find a larger church, most likely in New Orleans. Stop that pouting. I can't bear the sight of you upset. Father Lachey will officiate—I wouldn't dare have it any other way.”
Vylette's mood did manage to lighten and lift at the mention that aside from the change of church venue, practically everything else would be as she had imagined it would be.
For the first time, Vylette made one solid, definite request in regards to the festivities.
May we have the reception here, at the house?”
The curled head nodded emphatically, throwing his neatly combed halo into chaos.
You can have anything you desire. I've told you that many times. You can ride in on a giraffe, you can have acrobats lead the way doing somersaults down the middle of Main Street, design your dress however you want. It's your day, Vy. I want you happy.”
Her cheek was pinched and she made a noise something like a snorted giggle.
You take your time and kind of think over what you want. The colors, the food, the girls you want as bridesmaids, every little thing...”
Standing, Michael moved to the twin mirror over the wash basin, and opened it, producing a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches.
Firing up and helping himself to a carcinogenic puff, he looked down at her, brows flexing with candid emotion.
Anything you need, you tell me...”
Vylette started to her mouth with her lipstick, and stopped.
I hope this isn't too much to ask--”
Ask me and I'll tell you.”
Vylette made a show of slicking red onto her lips, to avoid his eyes, in case he did refuse her this request. there any way you could get Latoya to help me...and I suppose Lorraine too.” The lavender eyes became clear aquamarine as she glanced back to him, fiddling with the lipstick, some of its contents staining her fingertips.
She's so savvy when it comes to things like fashion and hair and--”
Vylette knew she would need some sort of guidance to bring her vision to fruition, much as she had when she began her foray into the realm of high-end fashion and cosmetics, not so long ago.
I'll call Manhattan as soon as we get to the hotel in a few hours. She likes to stay out late with that Randolph guy she's seeing and always sleeps late. Last thing I need is to be politely bawled out for waking her. I'm sure my sister would be glad to help.” Michael chuckled and added under his breath. “Hell, she's been married three times already as it is!”
Oh...” Her shoulders were squeezed and a sigh bounced against her head. “I get chicken-skin every time I imagine you in that white dress, coming towards me on your father's arm...”
Please!” Vylette begged cautiously, “You'll make me cry, Sweetheart! Don't make me spoil my makeup!”
Ich liebe dich.” Michael cooed and pecked the top of her head, tossing his cigarette into a small black ashtray.
I love you, too.” Vylette replied tilting her head back and allowing him to kiss her delicately on the lips to keep from smearing the color off.
Gently his hand was cradling her chin and she was inhaling Midnight in Tunisia, as they continued to smooch after one another.
As the two parted, Vylette whispered, her brows raising in teasing,
It's a good thing Mama and Papa are in town closing the practice for the holiday, or you'd be in so much trouble...being so fresh...”
I suppose.” Michael agreed huskily, his own sculpted brows wiggling with devilment, leaning into her, clutching her hand tightly in his. “Of course, when the cat's away, the mice will play...”
Vylette started to pucker up again, more than ready to partake of her most favored sensations, Michael's lips on hers.
Both parties stiffened at the sound of a throat being cleared nearby.
Turning, the couple discovered Marlon Jackson easing through the crack in the door.
Marlon, much like his younger sibling, appeared casual, on the surface, from the open plaid satin robe, revealing his incredibly, muscular chest and abdomen and pajama bottoms, a smoldering cigarette held in one hand, bearing a small, gold pinky ring, an arrangement of twenty round-cut diamonds sparkling in it.
But there was something queer about his face, and Vylette noted it right off, though she remained silent.
Usually, there was a light of peacefulness, joking and laughter to Marlon Jackson's eyes. But that morning, those traits had vanished, leaving his amber eyes widened and naked, showing what resembled acute worry.
And that bothered Vylette, for Marlon Jackson had always come across to her as the most carefree and footloose man she'd ever met.
What, if anything, could possibly have worried him?
Could...could I talk to you for a minute, Mike? Please?” Marlon wondered timidly, bringing the cigarette to his mouth for another puff and releasing a smoke ring into the air.
Certainly.” Michael, also noting something was amiss, gave the small hand in his an apologetic press, “Excuse me, Mein Liebling.”
Sure...” Vylette, quizzically, turned and watched as Michael joined his brother at the door, a low-volume conference sparking, as curled heads were held closely together.
Quietly, so quietly, they went unheard, the men whispered back and forth several moments, with Marlon pausing to take more drags off his cigarette here and there.
Vylette only heard bits and pieces as, at moments, Marlon's voice rose in a strained manner.
...and I don't wanna go get it... I'd have to try to get dressed and my suit is still being pressed...I'd feel like a damn sissy, man, getting it myself...”
Marlon lamented to his sibling having another deep inhale, smoke trailing from his wide and flaring nostrils.
You shouldn't.” Michael returned to a normal decibel,eyes rolling with perturbation, his voice taking a stern edge, adding, “It's perfectly natural. And with the way you two cut up, you need to be thankful for it!”
I know it's natural! I know! And I am thankful! You ain't gotta tell me! I'm the first one to admit that!” Marlon declared, throwing his hands up, as Michael, starting to cross the bathroom for the linen closet, inquired.
Do you need a whole box or just a few?”
Just a few...Lori said it should have been over the other day.” Marlon called after, in the most mousy tone of voice Vylette had ever come from a man renowned for being boisterous and ribald and it only sent her mind into overtime, wondering what was happening with her cousin to cause such a secretive stir between the men.
Before she could fix her mouth to ask, it instead fell open in surprise, when Michael, who had been picking around the closet, finally revealed himself, clutching a rather large black and blue cardboard box, the name brand Kotex ,stamped on it in white lettering.
Vylette was instantly taken aback.
She didn't know what astounded and confounded her more: that Lorraine had admitted to Marlon she was suffering through that “delicate time” of the month, a condition Vylette took major strides to conceal from Michael's knowledge each and every time it had troubled her, or...that Michael actually had sanitary napkins on hand, to lend to her cousin in her time of need.
The little belt that goes with it, is inside too...” Michael informed his brother matter-of-factly.
(Author's Note: Before the self-sticking pads of today were invented, ladies had to wear cumbersome little belts to hold onto the pads, underneath their clothing.)
Thank you, Bro, you're a lifesaver...” Marlon was grateful, beaming brightly, the light returning to his eyes and face, as the package was passed off. “I was worried, Lori's clothes are so expensive...and she's so particular about her appearance. Always has to look her best...”
No problem.” Michael nodded in understanding, as Marlon looked down at the box meekly and couldn't have appeared more uncomfortable if he had been handed a bucket full of lizards, snakes and toads.
Thank you, Mike, really...” Amber eyes swelled. “...I didn't know what was wrong. She just had this funny look about her when I woke her up a few minutes ago—I let her get some extra rest—and then she kind of started to cry when I asked what was first I thought she'd taken ill, and I was going to send for the Doc, then I noticed my sheets cause they're ivory and she cried harder...”
Marlon shook his head somberly. “I don't care about no damn sheets, Mike. I can get them cleaned or buy new ones. I was worried about her. I love Lorraine. I want her to be alright.”
Marlon nodded again and seeing he was exposed in a moment of heartfelt seriousness, grew purple and made a speedy exit, leaving Vylette to gaze in wonder as Michael returned to the vacant stool.
Picking up her lipstick and placing it in her hand, indicating she continue making up her face he stated answers to the unasked questions,
I grew up in a house with four women and was married once before, Vy...'lady troubles' aren't a foreign topic to me...”
The cigarette was picked back up, ashes flicked before being put to his lips.
You're a lady, and you've called on me frequently at my home. It's only good, common courtesy to keep things like that around...don't shy away from me...”
He gripped her chin as Vylette, embarrassed by a conversation so frank, tried to look elsewhere.
You needn't be ashamed of anything, Vylette. We're to be married. You will one day bear my children... and Vy...”
His eyes were serious as he looked into hers,
Don't ever try to hide anything from me. If you're not well, tell me! That's my job, to look out for you...and don't worry about if there's an accident, like Lorraine had. That's what hot water and Ivory flakes are for. Do I make myself clear?”
Yes....yes, Michael....” Vylette stammered, overwhelmed, and allowed herself to be hugged to him.
Some men are complete pansies about matters like this. I don't know why. All women contend with it. Their sweethearts, their mothers...the world isn't all boys. There's girls born. People make out women to be so weak and frail and some are, but to hemorrhage up to a week every month and not die...that's remarkable to me.” Michael shrugged and patted her head lovingly, hearing a soft gasp exit past her lips.
I apologize if you find this shocking, I know you're Southern and things are different in these” He scratched at his head bashfully, and sought to change the topic as he could see it was distressing Vylette to an extent.
You finish getting dressed. Hannah and her sisters should be here soon. I'm going to head on down and see if Adelaide's gotten around to pressing my suit. I need to get dressed myself.”
Michael rose and stopped when his sleeve was gripped.
Vylette dropping her eyes, whispered quietly,
Thank you...”
You needn't thank me for something I'm supposed to do in the first place, Violette Blanche.”
Michael gently pulled from her and departed.
Vylette stared as the door shut, then turned back to the mirror, starting to powder herself and trying to untangle her jumbled emotions over Michael Jackson's so very broad-minded feelings about menstrual cycles... and their impending nuptials.
A thankful smile came to her face.
She really was so very lucky and so very blessed.

A Short While Later”
The three-inch heels of Vylette's blue kid pumps tapped lightly on the surface of the polished hardwood of the upstairs hallway, outside of the closed doors leading to Michael Jackson's home office.
As the two had started on their way downstairs, Michael had abruptly ducked inside, asking her to wait for him; he wanted to get something.
That had been some fifteen minutes ago.”
There was a sharp twinge of guilt in her bosom, as she felt she was neglecting her responsibilities as hostess. At that very moment, perched around the front porch of the Manor were her own parents and kid sister, Vinnie, the Jackson nieces and nephews, and the flock of Povah girls, enjoying tumblers of refreshing lemonade.
And as the soon-to-be Lady of the Manor, Vylette felt it was her duty to be outside, entertaining and attending to her guests.
Also skirting her duties as co-hostess, Vylette's cousin Lorraine had yet to be seen.
Vylette glanced over at the shut doors that led into Marlon Jackson's bedroom.
In an effort to disguise the fact that she was wearing a “feminine care product”, Lorraine had discarded the clingy, bias-cut, lime green watered silk dress she had initially chosen to wear that day and had practically emptied the house of every spare frock that had not been packed and shipped off to the Hotel Imperial already.
Lorraine was so vain and finicky about her looks, it was plausible she might just delay the entire trip for everyone involved!
...Baby, you're fine, really. No one can tell, I swear...”
The door to Marlon's room cracked, and she caught a snippet of the embattled couple's conversation.
Are...are you sure, Daddy?” Came Lorraine's uncertain reply, trembling a bit.
Yes, Cherry! I watched you try on eight different dresses, and you looked beautiful in every last one of them! Now quit griping, slap some of that perfume behind your ears and let's go on downstairs, please!”
Don't you think I'd look better in the yellow--”
You're gonna be in black and blue when I pick your little ass up and hurl you off the balcony!” Marlon snapped and Vylette clapped a gloved hand to her mouth to silence her giggles.
Marlon Jackson would have broken his hands off at the wrists before he did his fiancee any real harm.
Now listen to me, Lorraine: you're standing there in a goddamn Jean Patou dress, lingerie imported from China, silk stockings that cost twenty-five dollars a pair and shoes that cost twice as much! If you were White, you'd be on the cover of Vogue magazine! Here's your hat, put it on, quit puckering your forehead at me, 'cause you'll shit something you ain't ate if you get a wrinkle! Here is your hat, put it on,'s my hand. Woman, if you don't take my hand before I holler! Now, STEP!”
The door opened wider, and through it came Marlon first, huffing on another cancer stick to calm himself and sooth his frayed nerves.
Marlon was sophisticated in a tobacco-colored, three-piece, linen suit, bringing out both his bronze complexion and slightly darkening his golden-amber eyes. He looked especially brown with his panama hat blindingly white against his darker features.
Please, Baby...we can't tie up everything. You look gorgeous, ravishing! Jean Harlow herself would be green with envy—please!”
His large hand, the pinky ring twinkling, was held out, and a smaller hand, in a white glove, reluctantly clutched it.
And finally, Lorraine stepped into the hall.
Lorraine, taking a cue from her ever-present idol, Jean Harlow, in that the starlet was rumored to have an exclusively black and white wardrobe, stood, looking rather exotic in a white and black chiffon leopard-print frock, a wide panama hat of her own, at a jaunty angle on her head, setting off her flaming tresses arranged in a low bun.
It was the first time in ages Vylette had seen her cousin in any color other than green!
Would Jean, really be jealous?” Lorraine questioned skeptically and Vylette watched as Marlon gently placed a hand on the back of her neck, drawing her close and whispering something into her ear.
Even from so far away, Vylette could see the sparkle come into Lorraine's mint-colored eyes and a mischievous grin curled her coral lips.
Oh, Daddy, I declare!” Lorraine snickered, patting his strong, barrel chest, as he started to lead her to the staircase. “You do say the wickedest things!”
I can do the wickedest things, too!”
They trailed off as the pair moved from sight and a moment later, a cacophony of voices greeted them as they went out onto the porch below.
Curious as to what was keeping her own man occupied for so long, Vylette crossed the hall, and turning the large glass knob, let herself into office.
That was strange, the office appeared completely empty!
Where was Michael--
Vylette stopped in her tracks, as she very distinctly heard Michael counting from somewhere in the room.
It took a long moment of looking before, from the small space between the bottom of his desk and the bright Persian rug under it, she could make out Michael's brown and white wing-tipped shoes.
Why, he was crouching underneath his desk!
Nearing him, she jumped slightly, as Michael swore sharply,
Goddamn hell! The one day I need to open this cursed thing and it won't budge!”
Darling, what are you doing?” Vylette called and there was a loud thud.
Ow!” He grumbled, and crawling out slowly, he stood, rubbing near his crown where he'd banged his head.
Briefly, Vylette was stunned by her admiration of the man who owned her heart.
Michael Jackson was a studied portrait of (transplanted) Southern masculinity, that could have bordered on the inside of foppish in some contexts.
Michael's slim, lanky form was draped in linen of the palest, fairest shade of roe-pink, with faint ecru chalk stripes—Vylette never even knew suits came in that color until Michael had caught up to her on the landing and asked her to wait outside his office for him only a while ago.
He offset the stripes with an ecru silk shirt, and more vibrant striped tie and pocket square. And, as always, an opulent pin sparkled on his lapel, this time a frankly large opal, set in gold, and accented with tiny pink sapphires.
His straw boater, with a matching pink ribbon around it set atop his desk.
Pointing at it, he lamented,
I've been on my knees under that damn desk ever since I came in here, trying to get my damn safe open!”
Upon closer inspection, Vylette saw that part of the rug had been flipped back and a hidden panel had been slid away, revealing the combination lock on a square that measured a few feet in diameter.
It was the first time Vylette had ever seen Michael's safe. She had always known valuables such as heirloom gems and various stocks and bonds were tucked away in one, but had never laid eyes on it.
How clever Michael was to keep it beneath his feet at all times, and not behind a painting, like in the movies!
Would you like for me to try it?” Vylette offered, taking care to squat, rather than set on her knees and risk getting a run in her stockings.
Please, before I go out back and get a hatchet!” Michael cried with impatience.
It's fifty-eight, left--”
I heard you.” Vylette interrupted him, peeling off a glove and quickly spinning the combination, noting small tings with each number she hit.
As the passed three, right, there was a louder ting, and the lock itself popped upwards.
You got it!” Michael was again on his knees, ruining the creases in his trousers, and opening the wide, rectangular door.
Inside the safe was line with black velvet and was a good five feet wide, packed to the gills with scores of folded papers, some yellowed with age, and what appeared to be half dozen, different, ornately decorated boxes.
Michael reached in automatically and pulled out of the largest of the boxes, a beautiful creation of oval domed peach enamel, a huge rose carved on top of it.
This is where I keep all the jewelry I buy for you. This is your jewelry box.” He informed her plainly.
M-mine?” Vylette stuttered as it was opened and grew speechless.
Inside was what appeared to be a king's ransom in gems, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, lesser known stones, set in gold and platinum. Rings, bracelets, necklaces...more than she had imagined.
Thousands upon thousands worth!!!
Why...why did you buy so much?” She was vaguely breathless as Michael began digging through the treasure.
Why?” Michael echoed with a chortle, as if such an inquiry were ridiculous. “You're my woman and I like to see you in pretty things.”
on shaky limbs Vylette stood, as out of the box, Michael produced a thick, bracelet, glimmering with dozens of princess-cut aquamarine, accented by smaller diamonds. A pair of matching earrings also appeared in his hand.
Swiftly, the box was put back in its place, the safe shut and locked, with the false flooring slid over it and rug kicked back flat.
You shouldn't have gotten so much...” Vylette started as Michael took her right hand and was putting the bracelet on her.
Too late. I can't send it back now.” Michael squinted as he carefully placed her earrings in their lobes.
Besides...” He placed his forehead against hers and wiggled his brows, eyes laughing at her, “ should get a load of the haul Marlon has for Lorraine. Although hers is mostly emeralds because they're both so on their heads for the color green. He's afraid to show her where the safe is because he thinks she'll put on everything at once--”
I do believe your brother is right.” Vylette interrupted him and pecked the tip of his upturned nose, knowing her cousin would be quick to display anything and everything and trying her best to rub every last carat in Mary Povah's face just for the hell of it and the thrill of spiting her.
She knew her cousin would be riding a high-horse at the moment if it weren't for the threat of being slapped clear back to the dawn of time by Kathleen for the sin of Pride.
Oh...” Michael offered Vylette his arm, and taking it, began to lead her away and towards the staircase. “While I was wrestling with that lock, I got a phone call. It should interest you.”
Me? How so?”
Vylette rarely received telephone calls that didn't come from Michael himself, and her curiosity was piqued automatically.
What was causing Michael's hair to suddenly stand on end from his head as though he'd been electrocuted? What caused the new glow about him, the pulsing of his blood, the showing of his teeth so merrily?
What came from his glossed mouth, brought her hands to face in utter astonishment.
Your father's car is going to be here in about the next ten to fifteen minutes!”
Vylette's breath whooshed from her lungs and her eyes swelled in their sockets.
The Cadillac!
Why, it had completely slipped her mind that she had purchased the luxury vehicle for her father, to assist him in his medical work.
It was on its way? To the house?
It's coming, now?” She gasped dizzy and lightheaded, as Michael took a firmer grip on her to keep her from tumbling down the stairs and breaking her neck as her steps became unsure and weak.
But, I thought it was going to be delivered to the hotel!”
Vylette fairly floated to the front doors.
Well...” Michael beamed, hand on the knob, “I thought he'd get a kick out of driving himself to New Orleans.”
Kick nothing--it'll be more like a Grand Mal seizure!” Vylette snickered and a finger was pressed to her lips.
Mum's the word, Mein Liebling...mum!” He warned, turning the knob.
Stepping out into the brightness of the day, Vylette was greeted by the same exuberant chorus, and waved to all scattered about.
The entire scene seemed something out of a watercolor painting!
Vylette looked first to her father, tilting a full tumbler to his mouth for a hearty sip of lemonade. Dr. Meraux did look so handsome in a new, crisp navy suit, which he'd bought especially for the trip into New Orleans.
Owing up to the Doctor's modest nature, the suit had been worn simply, with a plain matching tie, over a crisp white shirt. But nonetheless, the color was charming against his reddish complexion. And it thrilled Vylette to see her father in something other than stifling black suits that seemed more appropriate for a funeral, than a nice break from the normal, humdrum life of the Parish.
How very surprised he'd be when his car arrived! How grand he'd look behind the wheel of that shining black behemoth. How he deserved to own such a car; a man of his standing practically cried out for such a mode of transportation!
Vylette could barely contain herself, she was so overflowing with excitement, and wanted more than anything to grab him about his broad shoulders and begin screaming.
At the Doctor's side, her mother still managed to appear both pompous and severe, despite the airy, buttercup-colored chiffon frock she wore.
(It had been an uphill battle to get her mother to put anything new on her stout figure, for the matriarch of the Meraux clan felt it wrong, as President of the Ladies' Christian League to be so conspicuous, when others lacked and yearned for. But much as Marlon had barked at Lorraine, Almanzo had barked at Kathleen, and she had begrudgingly deferred to her spouse.)
It was truly a tragedy for any woman wearing a Chanel original to scowl so and Vylette only hoped that at some point during the vacation perhaps her face would show something that resembled a smile. It was a long shot, of course, but a hope just the same.
Occupying a far, secluded corner of the veranda, Marlon was sharing a cigarette with Lorraine—behind Kathleen's back, for she had boomed more than once that only fast, crass females smoked in public—the two chatting and laughing, lost in one another, their argument far behind them.
Lorraine seemed to have swiftly gotten over her fears of being indelicate, and was behaving just as brazenly and saucily as ever, fluttering her lashes, and patting Marlon's hand and thigh, charming the curl out his damn hair.
Taking a seat next to Michael on the divan across from her parents, Vylette gazed past them, towards the crowd filling the other seating area a few yards away.
The Jackson nieces, along with Vinnie Meraux and the younger Povah girls looked like nesting birds, all in fragile pastels—the first three in genuine silk, the rest in more economical percale –dripping in bows, lace and other frills so dear to little girls' hearts.
Every so often she could see one of the Povahs gazing down, lovingly, at their new frocks and socks and shoes, and Vylette's heart lifted, knowing the poor children were happy, as it was so seldom they received anything that wasn't a hand-me-down. It was amazing what something as simple as a dress costing less than three dollars could do for a child's self-esteem.
In a lull in the engrossing conversation between Dr. Meraux and Michael about advances in brain surgery, of all topics to discuss with womenfolk around, Vylette could clearly hear Jana and Jessilynn hotly debating who played the better gangster, James Cagney or Paul Muni.
...well, I do believe Mr. Cagney is the handsomer of the two, and you know for film stars, looks are everything!”
Oh, you would say that Jessie! But you don't have to be as good-looking as a Barrymore to be a gangster! You can be a little ugly, just like Mr. Muni!”
Good-looking as a Barrymore! Ha! Then I suppose you've never set eyes on that creature named Lionel! Got a face only a mother could love!”
You shut up, you know very well I meant John Barrymore, you cretin...!”
Don't you call me a cretin, you louse!”
Hannah Povah hadn't sat down since she'd been outside.
At the moment, Hannah was off to herself, near the front doors, hunched over and inspecting the fine urns flanking the entrance, and running small, pale hands over the carvings of the peacocks on them.
So far, Vylette had seen Hannah looking at and timidly touching everything around the porch that morning, from the wicker furniture, to the lead glass window panes—leaving fingerprints much to Adelaide's distraction—to the extinguished electric sconces that lit the porch at night.
Hannah was clearly entranced by all of the finery, and was quite obvious in her admiration of everything in sight.
Again Vylette smiled, looking and her friend and finding the glow of enchantment as almost transforming that homely face into something beautiful.
For the first time since graduation some months ago, Hannah wore a new dress, albeit not as eye-catching or stylish as Vylette's or Lorraine's, but new just the same. Interpreting the colors of the American flag, it was a flat navy, with a white, rounded collar and cuffs. A wide, red patent belt cinched her tiny waist, more reflecting her lack of curves than creating the illusion of them, and patent shoes shone on her feet.
Her hair, so straight and colorless, had been pulled back into a bun at the nape of her neck, an unobtrusive roll, over which a red felt hat had been placed.
With such a lively color next to her skin, one would think it would have imparted some of that shade, but alas, Hannah appeared as pale, washed out and white as a ghost, the only real color coming from her blue eyes, fluttering wildly, rimmed with her flaxen lashes and she looked like a scared jackrabbit as none of her features had been accented.
She had bought cosmetics, but was so frightened of her mother catching sight of her wearing it in town—and publicly whipping her—she had declined on applying even a coating of lipstick to her tiny, drawn mouth.
It was a small miracle Hannah was going along with the Jacksons in the first place, considering Mary's bitter and vile hatred of them.
Hannah was as wholesome as a bowl of oatmeal, and it showed glaringly.
Now she was picking at the velvet valances, dancing on the wind through the open doors leading into the dining room, where the scent of fried pork still hung on the air.
Sprawled on the steps, removed from such direct examples of femininity,Taj, Taryll and TJ Jackson matched in dark brown pinstriped suits, cut with short pants to display little ashy, knobby knees.
The boys joked amongst themselves and every so often, TJ, being teased for his missing teeth, would give one of the older boys a shove.
...May I ask how long it has been since you've had the pleasure of a vacation, Sir?”
Vylette's attention was brought back to the discussion nearest her, Michael leaning forward to top off another glass of lemonade for her father.
At the inquiry, those steely grey squinted behind their round, silver frames and Dr. Meraux was silent for a spell, visibly trying to recall the last time he'd taken off from work.
Goodness...” He said finally. “The last I can recall, Michael, my girls were very young. Vinnie was barely out of Vylette and Lorraine had to have been about...oh...nine or ten-years-old.”
The eyes drifted to his very adult looking daughter and he smiled,
Do you remember that? When I took all of you down to the beach near Shreveport? And we had a big clambake right on the sand?”
Vylette nodded, although she had only the faintest recollection of the event.
Well, I certainly remember it!” Kathleen chimed in, her tone acidic, eyes growing in her face as she turned to glare at him, clearly holding him to blame for the incident so long ago. “You let me get stung by a jellyfish!”
And I saved your foot, Dear.” The Doctor responded dryly, tilting his glass to his mouth and gulping.
Well, I would expect so, with your being a physician, Almanzo!”
Eight years ago...” Michael rushed to avoid what seemed like the first strains of a quarrel. “I assume another getaway is well overdue—“
He was doing his best to stall for time, waiting for the Cadillac's delivery.
On the steps, the nephews suddenly leapt to their feet.
Hey! Someone's coming! Someone's coming!”
Vylette's heart panged against her breastplate so hard, she feared she was going into cardiac arrest from a wave of excitement.
The car. The car was coming! It was arriving!
She was hardly able to contain herself as she stood beside Michael, moving with the mass as everyone, looking in the distance, began to move towards the steps.
Everyone, except Marlon and Lorraine.
The pair were in each other's arms, no longer speaking, only gazing in one another's eyes.
Up the lane, a vehicle was approaching at a fast rate of speed.
Vylette started to smile, sure it was her father's Cadillac flying , kicking up clouds of red Louisiana dust as it came forward.
The smile became an expression of abject horror as Vylette began to recognize the vehicle and hands going cold and clammy within her gloves, came up and clutched her throat, which had abruptly become dry of all moisture., this wasn't a beautiful, black coupe advancing towards the crowd on the porch.
Instead it was the unmistakably gaudy maroon and bronze vehicle, belonging to Jermaine Jackson.
Vylette was shaking her head, nearly throwing the beret from her tresses.
Jermaine wasn't supposed to be in the Parish! He wasn't supposed to be there at all!
As far as she knew, Jermaine, who had been explicitly banished from even associating with the rest of them during the trip for his egregious social faux pas—and that was putting it mildly—had left for New Orleans after dinner the night before...with his little vixen in tow.
Goddamn hell...” Michael was bristling beside her, growling through his teeth. “...that imbecile came back and had the nerve to bring that woman with him!”
Vylette stared first up at Michael, in profile, his jaw muscles clenching rapidly beneath his smooth skin, then followed his glare over to the driveway, where the Rolls Royce was being parked beside his red and black sports car.
And sure enough, two heads were clearly visible behind the windshield.
Every hair on her head went bone straight for a split second.
Jermaine had dared to bring the girl with the worst reputation in the Parish, Wallis Pelant onto the property!
Did he want to die?
Instantly, her eyes darted to the corner.
If Marlon saw those two, there was sure to be a brawl. Not a possibility, but a certainty!
Luckily, Marlon was so busy giving her cousin an oral exam, he didn't see his brother...yet.
Jermaine, almost admirable in a purple seersucker suit, and straw boater hat, trimmed with a purple grosgrain ribbon, had alighted and was passing the front of the car to help Wallis out.
Vylette was afraid to even glance towards her mother, as her mother knew nothing of Jermaine's involvement with the worst talked about female in the town, and was sure to bay like a werewolf at the moon at the sight of such a misaligned paring.
Acutely, Vylette also noticed that, aside from the muffled and aroused chuckles of her cousin, still oblivious to the tragedy unfolding, the porch was silent as a graveyard.
Jermaine got around to the passenger side of the car—the Rollys Royce had a European makeup, so the passenger side was where the driver's side would be on an American car—and opened the door.
And sultrily, Wallis Pelant slinked out, taking the arm offered her.
For a moment, Vylette had to blink, as she scarcely recognized the creature clinging to Jermaine Jackson and beaming up at him so brightly.
It was wondrous what miracles variances in cosmetics and clothing could do for a girl, and while she knew she was supposed to be cringing, Vylette couldn't help but be in awe of Wallis.
As the newly-minted couple slowly sauntered towards the gathering, Vylette got an eye-full of how exponentially Wallis had changed in the short time she had known Jermaine.
(And had likely made him pay dearly for the transformation.)
Gone was the garish, mismatched makeup usually adorning the round face, and instead, her face was cool and matte, accented with thick liner around her dark, sleepy eyes, a touch of blush in the cheeks and her lips painted a perfectly brick red in a cupid's bow.
Wallis was the epitome of flapper fashion in a dark teal, sleeveless, drop-waist shift, overlaid with golden floral lace, the hips wrapped in a belt of velvet.
On her head, over her cropped black curls, a matching bell-shaped cloche was perched .
Drawing closer, Vylette saw that several gold bangles lined her arms and studs shone in her ears—she almost looked respectable. that who I think it is?”
Vylette went cold all over as her mother whispered harshly somewhere behind her in disbelief.
Yes, Kathleen, I do believe--”
Well, I never!That creature...with a Jackson!”
On the steps, the children, save for Jana and Jessilynn, were wide-eyed and open-mouthed as Jermaine and Wallis neared the bottom step.
And moving with the stealth of a ninja, Michael Jackson parted young ones as Moses had with the Red Sea and took a solid place on the very bottom step, making it quite clear he had no intentions of letting them come any further.
Again, lavender eyes, saucer-like with worry, took in Marlon Jackson.
He was kissing Lorraine openly, ignorant of the storm brewing a few yards away.
How long could it possibly last? He had to come up for air some time!
Dark eyes taking in the youngest of the Jackson brothers present, the oldest gave a crooked smile, that might have been influenced by some sort of cheap liquor.
Hey Mike--”
Don't you 'Hey Mike' me, you swine!” Michael Jackson spoke lowly, to keep from drawing Marlon's attention, but with enough deadliness to send torrents chills all through Vylette. “You know good and well you were told not to bring that woman here. She is not welcome.”
There was outright impudence on Jermaine's oiled face, and unmistakable hurt on Wallis' and the huge, drowsy dark eyes sought out Vylette, which she dropped her eyes from.
Vylette knew Wallis had been welcomed into the house before, but it had been an error, and she was about to receive an earful, first-hand as to why.
Jermaine's gander was up and he demanded, voice rising,
And why the hell not--”
You know why not!” Michael's voice grew hoarse as though he were speaking through a straw and his hands became clenched fists at his sides.
You know what you've done, Jermaine! You've disgraced Marlon and myself, after all we've gone through to establish ourselves in this town. To show this town that we are decent, God-fearing people and you come and let lack of self-control begin to unravel months of hard, hard work!”
Lashes fluttered, he composed himself, continuing,
You're insulting every person here...especially your two daughters!”
Jermaine eyed the two bookends in mint-green silk and pale pink lace looking up at him with stoic, set faces, faces much too serious for girls so young.
My daughters are fine--”
No, you're embarrassing them in front of their relatives and friends!” Michael choked, and moving to him, Vylette grasped his shoulders from behind, fearing she'd have to pull him back if he took flight.
He was quaking with pent up rage!
You know what you did, you had an obligation. We made an agreement before you even set foot on that train from New York for here. This isn't New York City! You can't take up with every gal who tickles your damn fancy--”
A long finger was extended towards Michael,
You're trying my patience, Mike.” Jermaine warned. “ I won't have you talk about Wallis like this to her damn face! Now I came here to get the bottle of cologne I forgot to send to the hotel. I do believe your skinny ass can be civil, while I take five minutes to go in and get it!”
You're not getting past this first step, Jermaine!” Michael cried, starting to put a hand out.
The hell I'm not! I'm half-Dauphine, same as you! I got every right to go in this house as you do!”
Why, I'll be a goddamned son of a bitch!”
The entire porch froze at the frenzied shriek from the far end.
Hustling his way from the corner, Lorraine wrapped bodily around his arm, using every last pound of her body in an effort to stop him, was Marlon Jackson.
There was that crazed, murderous look in his eyes, the same look he'd displayed before putting Steven Wilkes to bed—and it had been weeks since anyone had seen him!
Vylette counted a half-dozen veins pulsating on his forehead as he continued to drag her cousin towards the steps.
Marlon! Marlon please! Please don't do this! We have company!” Lorraine was pleading using his actual name, trying vainly to dig her heels into the flooring. “My aunt and uncle are here! Marlon! Marlon, stop! Think of the children! Your suit came from Harrod's! Don't spoil your suit! Marlon!”
With a yank, Marlon pulled free of her and Lorraine went flying into Vylette's open arms, trembling from head to toe, eyes huge.
He's gonna kill him!” She whimpered. “He's gonna kill his own flesh and blood! He's too handsome to go to jail!”
Though there was a height difference, Marlon Jackson's entire aura was menacing enough to cause Jermaine to withdraw himself and Wallis a good three paces back as he stepped down from the porch.
Michael Jackson may have censored himself before the women and children. Marlon Jackson appeared to have forgotten they existed.
Jermaine, I thought I told your Black ass last night, while Michael and Adelaide were riding my back to keep me from putting my steak knife in your fucking chest, that I didn't want to see you or that gal there--”
He gave Wallis a look so scathing she cowered, a hand to her large bosom in shock.
--you know she's not welcome on this property!”
Marlon, please!” Lorraine pleaded, gripping Vylette tightly.
I don't see why the hell not!” Jermaine was bold, or crazy. “This property is just as much mine as it is yours. We have the same mother--”
Jermaine laid on flat on his back, staring up at the treetops, having been knocked out so swiftly, Vylette wasn't sure she'd actually seen the punch or merely imagined it.
Again, the children, with the exception of Jermaine's own daughters were gasping and chattering wildly.
I was waiting for Uncle Marlon to sock him since last night!”
Uncle Jermaine got a glass jaw!”
Uncle Marlon always did knock him silly. You owe me a nickel Taryll! Remember that time he hit him at Grandfather's birthday party for drinking up all the Napoleon brandy?”
Uncle Jermaine could have at least tried to curl a fist! What a ninny!”
Why didn't Mr. Michael mollywhop him too?”
You hush, Hattie, Mr. Michael probably doesn't fight.”
I bet he could!”
Strangely, Vylette noticed that neither of Jermaine's daughters made a move to assist their father, and remained where they stood, gazing at him with what appeared to be contempt.
Good Lord, were the children used to his recklessly carousing with stranfge women?
Jermaine!” Wallis, alarmed, dropped to her knees, patting at his face as he continued to stare blankly. “Speak to me! Speak to me, Cheri! Jermaine! Oh, Cheri, please!”
Got a hell of a lot of nerve trying to bring Mother into this mess.” Marlon tossed his head with the utmost scorn and pulled free of the hand Michael had laid on his forearm.
When he knows exactly what Mother would think of a gal like that. He's brought gals like that home before and he knows exactly how Mother feels about them! Mother told him time and again! He better thank God we've got company, or I'd tear it down for him! Damn N(bad word)!”
Dr. Meraux, please!” Wallis begged, seeking out the older gentleman, still lingering on the porch, hugging the limp body to her bosom.
The doctor made a move to offer assistance, but was held in place by Kathleen.
It would do no good to be seen helping trash, when the Povahs would surely tell their mother of the sordid event! And they hadn't even left town yet!
Vylette...Lorraine?” She whimpered, bottom lip starting to quiver. “ won't help me?”
The cousins stared down at their shoes, refusing to dignify her with an answer.
Vylette hurt all over.
On the ground, Jermaine began to sir and show signs of life.
Oh, oh Cheri!” Wallis was hugging his head to her bosom. “Are you alright? I was so scared, Cheri!”
Yeah, yeah, I'm alright...” Jermaine grumbled, staggering to his feet, his pristine suit, now spoiled with soil stains.
(At least, Vylette hoped that was soil on his trousers!)
Let's get the hell--”
Wait a minute.” Marlon called, and jogged towards them.
Jermaine's life clearly flashed before his eyes.
Uncle Almanzo!” Lorraine screamed, fearing Marlon was going to land on his sibling and the Doctor hastily cautioned from the porch.
Son, don't do anything crude. There's ladies and children here!”
Amazingly, instead of raising a hand to Jermaine to leave his jaw all over the lawn, Marlon reached and caught Wallis by her wrist.
Let...let go! You're hurting me! Jermaine! Jermaine do something!” Wallis, color sailing from her face, nearly shouted as Marlon pulled her towards him, dirt kicking up onto patent pumps as she left hell marks in the driveway.
Plump lips curled harshly as he glared at her.
You want to fool with my brother, that's your business. I can't tell your grown ass what to do...” Marlon started sternly, overpowering Wallis who continued to struggle against him. “'re fucking around with the black sheep of an otherwise upstanding, respectable lily-white family. In New York, Rhode Island or anywhere else in the world we choose to stay! Now, that N(bad word) there...”
Jermaine was indicated with a pointed finger. the biggest goddamned philanderer you'll ever meet! Those two little girls in the green behind me are his two legitimate children.”
Jana and Jessilynn continued to look on bravely, though their little girlfriends stared questioningly at them.
At the mention of philandering, Wallis ceased her struggling, mouth sagging.
You've been making time with Jermaine. Did he happen to mention his son in Lower Manhattan? His daughter in Newport? His other half-white son in London? His half-caste twin daughters in Bombay? No....”
Vylette staggered, and stared as Jermaine pouted, being so viciously outed about his global exploits.
And those are just the ones the family knows about. God only knows how many other children are walking around with his tainted Jackson blood coursing through their veins. Don't be a fool, Wallis. He's only out for a good time. And all good times come to an end.”
He released Wallis, a red hand print clear on her yellow arm.
Get off my land before I kick you off!”
Wallis was quick to run where Jermaine stood holding her door open for her.
Jermaine regarded Marlon and went to speak--
Give me a reason! Give me a damn reason you rat! You make a sound and I'll break your jaw just like I did in Boston!” Marlon warned, and Jermaine, scowling, rounded his car, slipping behind the wheel.
He paused a long moment on the running board, hatred in his eyes.
Moments later, he was making a U-turn in the driveway and speeding on for New Orleans.
Oh!” Lorraine ran and threw herself against Marlon, holding him tightly.
Gonna come mess up my vacation. If I see him, I will stomp him and continue to stomp him each time we meet, damn it!” He vowed, rubbing Lorraine's back.
The Povah girls stood behind the Jackson girls, Hildegarde whispering rapidly to Vinnie, the smaller Povahs doing their best to eavesdrop.
Jana and Jessilyn just stood there watching as their father's car disappeared on the horizon.
Vylette turned to scold the children, and her heart instantly fell to the pits of her gut.. .
Seated on one of the divans, was Hannah, her head lowered, a white hanky pressed to her face.
Though she was silent, her absent bosom was heaving as she wept, having realized Jermaine had dropped her like a bad habit, for a true bad habit.
Had Hannah been that dazzled by Jermaine Jackson? Either way, it pained Vylette to see her friend taking on so hard.
As Vylette moved to console the weeping teen,Taj Jackson hollered,
Hey look! There's a Cadillac coming! I can always tell a Caddy by the grill! Look at that! Wooo! That's pretty! Hey look!”
Doctor Meraux's new car was arriving, but it was nothing of the celebrated event Vylette had hoped it to be.
Jermaine Jackson had seen to the ruination of that.
And deep in her heart, as she could hear her mother complaining about Wallis, Vylette hoped that sometime, before the weekend was out, Marlon Jackson would indeed beat his brother senseless.

If she weren't a lady, she would have done it herself!