Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting Back to Work

Hi Y'all.

I know it's been quite a many months since I've updated my rollicking Art Deco Sage "Rage in Hell" but I am back and I feel the time is right to end my hiatus.
I want to get back to work on this story because I really do love it.
At the time I went on hiatus with my story, I was having a lot of trouble in my personal life. I had lost my father in late March and became so engrossed with tying his final affairs that I don't think I really let myself grieve properly. And it just all kind of ganged up on me and I needed the break.
But I have since recovered and am ready to tackle that 1930s sentimentality that is so close to my heart.

Never fear, I never did stop writing. In the meantime to keep my skills sharp, I managed to pen a couple of adult stories for my erotica blog. I also had a renewed interest in pop band 3T, who happen to be Michael Jackson's nephews.
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Of course if you were reading my story before I went on my break, you'd know I used much younger versions o those pictured. As my story is set in 1931 in Louisiana, I used a younger Michael. He's 25-years-old in the story and looks much as he did during the Thriller days/Victory Tour.

"Life of the Party" Michael serving up that hot preppy look.:

And for a few chapters, 3T, Taj, Taryll and TJ, all appear as children, visiting their Uncles Michael and Marlon in Louisiana from New York. (with two of Jermaine's daughters)
Little Bitty 3T.:

I am currently re-reading my story now from the start to get a feel again for the themes and plots, but I'll go back to work writing RIH very very soon. We still have the theatres to open and bring Mr. Chaplin back! I'm extremely excited!