Monday, November 24, 2014

Chapter Twenty Visuals and Inspirations

Hey Y’all!

First of all, let me apologize for the lateness with which this V&I came. I’ve been busy with personal issues and preparing for the holidays and those thing unfortunately, took me away from being able to write properly for a while. Thank you so much for your patience because I do all of this for you: my readers.
Now, let’s dive right on in.  Chapter Twenty started off at Jackson Manor with Vylette being awakened by the gentle kisses of Michael Jackson being planted along her spine, as she lay sleeping in his bed, rather scantily clad in gold lacy lingerie.

Michael, on the other hand was already dressed and pretty much ready to go. His outfit for this scene was loosely based on an outfit he was photographed in during the Thriller era.

Vylette, after a cup of coffee, rises and starts to dress, with Michael’s help, in order to go down and start on the dinner over which they planned to announce the dual engagements. I wanted Vylette dressed simply, in a sleeveless black and white dotted dress, but of course, Michael puts his spin on it by handing her two-toned shoes.

I had Vylette with her hair slicked completely back and out of the way so as not to hinder her while cooking. The style was inspired by one I saw on my Vylette model, Myrna Loy in 1932, in a film called “The Mask of Fu Manchu” in which she played a Eurasian character. Her hair would be fancier for the dinner, of course.

Excuse her brows, I guess the make up people though tit would her appear more Asian if her brows went up at the ends like pagodas.
(Waving the banner that Myrna did apologize publicly for all of the non-White roles she played later in her life.)
During a discussion detailing how Vylette was escalating up the social ladder, they were interrupted by Vinnie coming flying like a bat out of hell on her bicycle. She’s going so fast her undies are seen under her apple covered dress.

In the midst of excited blathering its revealed that there have been new appliances delivered to the Meraux home and all Vylette can do is kiss Michael and graciously thank him.

The story then switched to the interior of the Jacksons kitchen where Vylette and Vinnie were cooking. It took me a very long time to find a kitchen that I liked and felt could be in the Manor. A lot of the kitchens I tossed away were just too Art Deco even though it was the 30s. The house itself was built around the 1880s, so it would have something of an older look to it, in my head, even if there are things like appliances and electricity.
I wanted a nice, big country kitchen, with green to it, to coincide with the hues in the formal dining room. And its something of a dream room to Vylette in that its not as cramped as the one at home.

I tried to update the kitchen as best I could with large appliances like a large fridge and a huge stove

I bet you didn’t think that eight burner stove was real!
I wanted to show the excess the Jacksons had. A larger kitchen, overflowing with food. Crates of candy for the enjoyment of the brothers in the pantry.
As the girls cook, Ulrich visits seeking to speak with Vylette and Michael, and it comes out he’s worried about outfitting his five sisters for the theatre openings and outings in New Orleans over the Fourth of July weekend. It’s evident that the poor boy isn’t being helped in the least by his mother, and his father, a traveling salesman is absent. And outfitting one girl in such hard times is hard, let alone FIVE.
And seeing the poor boy is drowning, Michael throws a life preserver, in the form of himself vowing to foot the bill for the girls. (Now keep in mind, a reasonable dress could be bought for less than TWO DOLLARS back then!)
Ulrich is flabbergasted and showing he has balls for the first time, he strikes a gentleman’s agreement with Michael, vowing to repay every red cent.

It was decided that everything about the dinner that night would be a low-key affair, women wore casual dresses, men wore mere cardigans and slacks instead of suits. For the dinner though, Vylette does look a bit more upscale, even if it is scaled back. Her hair is waved and pulled into a chignon as always.

And she is wearing a lovely, wispy chiffon dream with water coloring to it.

She’s joined by Michael who is still unhappy about the severity of the situation and appearing underdressed for the occasion.

No leather gloves! WTF?

Sparkle Bow Tie.
It’s also revealed that Michael has phoned his mother about their engagement and she’s welcomed Vylette to the family, which brings tears to the young woman’s eyes.
Why is it that Katherine Dauphine Jackson can welcome and accept Vylette, sight unseen, when her own mother can’t seem to accept Michael, even though she’s met him and knows of his good intentions towards her daughter. Not to mention her husband loves Michael so much he could sop him up with a biscuit.

The last bit takes place during “cocktail hour” before dinner that night.
Vylette is concerned about how antisocial her mother is truly being towards Michael and Marlon, in some contexts its downright rude how she seems to be faulting them for their wealth and excess.
All around Mrs. Meraux, everyone is bright and colorful--her younger daughter Vinnie, Vylette, Lorraine in a scandalous and revealing dress, and even her own husband, the good Doctor.

Vinnie's Sweet Dress

Lorraine's Bare-Breasted Dress. (Jean Harlow in "The Secret Six")

Dr. Meraux's Sweater Vest.
But Mrs. Meraux opted to wear a dark, somber floral more suited for a funeral than an impending wedding.

She is largely silent, while her husband is happy and engaging and knowing full well the news just bubbling below the surface.
Michael wanting to get the news out of the way, ushers everyone off to see the new additions--the Solarium and swimming pool out back. I had long wanted a Solarium on the house, and based it on a beautiful one. I looked at many many greenhouses, conservatories etc, all the while trying to find something that I thought would be in line with Michael Jackson’s aesthetic. Something he’d build and choose to have.
I chose this:

The pool area came about a little differently. Before I even really had an idea of what the pool area would look like, I was convinced I had to copy the pool actress Joan Crawford had at her famous Brentwood estate. (That’s the same house you see Christina getting her ass kicked across in “Mommie Dearest”)

As everyone is taking in the new, beautiful surroundings, Vinnie is the one to call attention to the hand painted banner announcing that both of the young couples were married, by bawling like the world was at it’s end.
But that was only the precursor for the performance Kathleen followed with: fainting dead away in the center of the Solarium.
And that was how Vylette’s mother learned of her daughter and niece’s engagements.
Hmmm…I wonder what will happen, once word starts to spread within the community that the members of its oldest family are intending to wed the young Yankees from New York?
There’s only one way to find out…chapter 21 is coming, and being written as you read this!

And for being so patient and kind enough to read this, here’s photos of the dinner that was served!

Pea Salad

Deep Fried Chicken

Scalloped Potatoes

Braised Red Cabbage

Peach Cobbler

Cloverleaf Rolls

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