Sunday, February 9, 2014

Disclaimer and Ambitions for "Rage In Hell"

Hey Y'all,

Before I started to post my new long-form fan fiction Rage In Hell, I wanted to explain a few things.
This story, which will feature Michael Jackson and his brother Marlon Jackson, as co-leads is set to begin in the year 1931. This was over eighty years ago and people's way of thinking and acting were vastly different than they were today. Most notably, People of Color were called Colored instead of Black. It is not a racial slur, like the N-word. My story is set in the South, but please beleive I am not going to glorify the backwards ways that are linked to my Southern culture. There will be no racism, no lynchings and no handkerchief headed bigets riding around in the night, leaving burning crosses in places. The only use of the N-word (always written as N-word, and not spelled out) will most likely come from a Colored man as he's about to knock the ever-loving dog mess out of another Colored man. I was just draw to the year 1931 because I wanted to write a story where men were gentlemen and wore suits and women were ladies who wore dresses all the time and were genteel. I wanted to go back to an era when manners mattered, and men would ask a girl's father to take her out then directly asking the woman out to the soda fountain.
I just really wanted to grasp at an era that spoke to both Michael and Marlon's actions, as they were always so polite and really like gentlemen from another era.
My ambitions for this story is of course to entertain my readers, and also challenge myself as a writer. Usually, in my stories, I've gone no further back than about the late 1960s--as I did in my horror story Burned that started in 1969--but I am constantly challenging myself and trying to produce a better story.
And I know that as the story is set in 1931, I will mention certain things--movies, film stars, places of eras gone by--don't fret. I won't leave you in the dark. As I love the Art Deco era with a fierce passion, following each full chapter, will be highlights and explanations of different things I have mentioned.
I hope terribly that everyone likes this story and that it's as good to you as it will be to me.

Thank you, and CHAPTER ONE is in the process of being written, NOW!