Sunday, February 23, 2014

(Some of) The Key Players

Hi Everyone!

First of all, I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has taken the time to come and read my story. I see it has many views and it’s so exciting to me that my hard work is being appreciated. So thank you very, very much!

Now what I wanted to address in this post, are the characters in the story. Before I write anything, even my short little eroticas, I put research into it, and what I devote most of my time to, is the development of my characters. I knew before I even started work on this story, I wanted a lot of the principal players to be based on real people as much as I can do it.

And this is what I came up with--most of the characters who will be introduced within the first two chapters of the story and some pictures to help you visualize them:

Vylette Meraux, 17:

Vylette facially is based on actress Myrna Loy. I think Vylette was the hardest character to actually “cast” because I went through about 30 different actresses trying to find the right look. I knew I wanted a girl who was very beautiful but in a very wholesome sort of way. Vylette is raised in a strict Catholic home in the boonies, so she is sort of unaware of just her full potential until a certain man comes along and helps her to see it.

Lorraine Meraux, 17:

Lorraine is Vylette’s first cousin. It was much simpler for me to cast Lorraine because the only face I ever saw for Lorraine was Jean Harlow. Lorraine is like Jean in many ways, very sexy, is very pretty and aware of it, but at the same time, since she was raised up strictly with Vylette, is still a bit on the naïve and sweet. Lorraine wants to be fast and with men, but until she meets up with a certain someone doesn’t truly know what its all about.

Michael Jackson and Marlon Jackson, 25 and 26:

It’s kind of self-explanatory who these men are. I don’t want to be a spoiler, but I can say that the Jacksons have come from New York on a joint business venture--as will be found out in a later chapter--and for Michael’s health. They’re new, they’re wealthy and they’re kind of refreshing for Vylette and Lorraine who ate stagnating in “The Parish”. They don’t intend to, but the gentlemen, no matter how they try to fit in, will continuously stick out and it will cause trouble.

Lavinia “Vinnie” Meraux, 10:

Vinnie is Vylette’s little sister and basically a tiny version of their mother. Is extremely religious, well-behaved and constantly nagging the older girls--Lorraine in particular--about their behavior and manners. Leery of the Jacksons…

I actually have no idea who the child I based Vinnie on is. I just found it on Google. All I know about the child is that the photo is actually from the Victorian era, and I liked how she looked and seemed sweet enough to be the face of Vinnie.

Steven Wilkes, 18.

I wanted Steven to physically be a large man. His big, muscular and I wanted him to be opposite in figure of what Michael Jackson is. Steven is somewhat Vylette’s beau and despite her waffling feelings for him, is intent on the idea they will be married one day. Hates the Jacksons with a blind passion. He is based looks-wise on actor George Brent.

Ulrich Povah, 18.

This is going to sound weird, but I wanted Ulrich to actually be sort of a caricature of what people think of Michael Jackson as. So many people thought Michael was overly soft or a wimp or couldn’t speak in a sentence without stammering, and I wanted Ulrich to be that way. (I know Michael isn’t that way, DUH!) He is the opposite of Steven who is so bawdy and loud, and really is so afraid of girls he can barely speak when around Lorraine. Is painfully boring and shy and more an aggravation to Lorraine than anything. Expects to marry her one day. Can’t stand the Jacksons. I went through several men when casting him. First was Leslie Howard, and I just didn’t like him blond. I personally like darker haired males, so a blond man didn’t make it for me. Then I chose Jimmy Stewart. And frankly, Jimmy was too good-looking. I needed a plainer boy. And I settled on actor Lionel Barrymore. (He’s Drew Barrymore’s great-uncle. And he is one of my very fave actors of all time!) He is not much to look at, but I saw Ulrich in him.

Hildegard Povah, 10.

Hildegard is Vinnie’s best friend. I am not sure as to how big her part will be, but she will be seen off and on throughout the story. Every little girl needs a best friend. Hildegard is based on actress Heather O’Rourke that most know as Carol Ann from the Poltergeist trilogy. Hildegard is not AS blonde as Heather, her hair is more of a golden brown, but I’m all for faces when I work. And that’s Hildegard. (I actually considered a young Drew Barrymore as she did resemble her uncle, but Drew was actually too plump, and I wanted Hildegard to be a much skinnier child. It’s the Depression, children were thinner!)

Dr. Almanzo Meraux, 45:

Almanzo is the father of Vylette and Vinnie and uncle to Lorraine. When I created Almanzo, I wanted him to be a very intelligent, astute and no frills sort of man. He’s a doctor and as he’s seen life and death, is conditioned as such to not be that soft. Only thinks of getting his three girls married off and taken care of. Is iffy about the older Jacksons around the younger girls. I do not know who this gentleman is but I thank God he got his picture taken.

Kathleen (De La Croix) Meraux, 35:

I needed someone who looked like she could be both stern and loving and when I was messing around Flickr, this woman’s photograph grabbed me by the throat. To me, she actually looked like she could have been Vylette’s mother. And facially, whomever this lady is--I don’t know--does look like she could be related to Myrna Loy. The facial shape is the same. And this lady strikes me at the Bible-thumping, church-going type just looking at her. She’s perfect! At least I thought she was.

Wallis Pelant, 19:

Wallis is the town tramp. There is no other way to say is. She’s the last of the frowned upon, dying breed of Flapper and is known for constantly flirting with men, any men, and running around when she isn’t running her daddy’s store. When I first thought up Wallis, Clara Bow came to mind. She was the IT girl of the 1920s and by the 1930s her reputation was in ruins with rumors of wild parties and orgies and things to the naughty side being associated with her. Also, while not a Jean Harlow type, I wanted Wallis to be something that could spark jealousy in Lorraine to extent.

And here they are, some of the key players in Rage in Hell. Chapter Two is nearly completely and will be up in the very near future. So keep on reading and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sis this story is goin to be juicier thn chapter 1 cant wait to read ur characters are handome an beautiful love the characters u have in the story
