Friday, March 28, 2014

Chapter Five Inspirations and Visuals.

Hey Y'all!

Are you ready for another peek into the mind of your authoress?

As we covered in chapter five, the Jacksons were set to make thier social debut at Mass the day after both Michael and Marlon professed thier interest in Vylette and Lorraine. And my thought process was in a way, to have them copy Dr. Meraux, as he always wore a black suit to church himself, and felt it was unsuitable for a man to wear any color than black out of modesty.
But of course, working with the Jacksons, they are never "normal" and never truly follow the pack, even if they are trying to make a good first impression. They are former showmen and it's just in thier blood to make a splash with thier looks.
So for both brothers, I selected a double-breasted suit. (Double breasted means it has two rows of buttons. Single=one. Some fools try to pull off a triple-breasted suit!)

The suit on the gentlman is actually pinstriped, but I liked how the suit fit him in particular and ran with it. I just needed the form more than anything.
I let the Jacksons speak through thier accessories. (Michael's car also posed as a nice prop while they calmly smoked.) Michael's diamond, moonstone and ruby pin:

I have fun spending imaginary money on the Jacksons.
Marlon's "M" tie tack:

And cufflinks, which I don't actually fully describe, only mention but I literally had to SEE them in front of me.

Of course, by now, if you've read chapter FIVE, you're well aware of the disaster the idle words of greeting from the Jacksons caused Vylette and her cousin Lorraine. Her mother, concerned that her daughter and niece were being fast and shaming the family, brought out her leather strap and laid into the poor teens.

The girls were beaten so severely that they were left badly bruised and quite sore. And during a visit with the Jacksons, defiantly, again, as hard as the girls tried to conceal thier wounds, they were discovered anyway, and sent Michael and Marlon into a tailspin losing thier minds and wondering how simply uttering HELLO could cause girls to be treated so horribly.

In an effort to conceal thier wounds, the girls purposefully wore longer sleeved blouses.
Vylette wore the yellow ensemble in the bottom center, and Lorraine, the blue to the right. Again, these are styles from the 1920s, to reflect the reused clothing. This is an authentic page from a Sears Roebuck catalogue.

But as Marlon got a moutful of neck he discovered the truth.

And YES, I did have a reference point for the brusing. (this is actually the back of an asian man who was beaten with a bamboo stalk, but he hadthe long, swipe marks I envisioned the strap would leave behind. Of course, the girls are paler and I made them more blue, and purple.)
The Jacksons took the girls up to thier respective bedrooms, and had the girls undress to apply a salve to thier wounds.

Simple cotton underwear for a simgple country girl.
At one point Vylette comes very close to flashing her bosom at Michael as he moves her straps aside, in a non-sexual way to take care of her bruises.

Thank God Myrna Loy--whom I based Vylette on--was a Vamp early on in her career. (Vamp=bombshell now.)

And of course, I have extras, all the time.
Early on in the chapter, Vinnie calls Michael a "Colored William Powell", leaving her sister to insist that Michael does NOT have a large nose. I present William Powell:

With Myrna Loy, as the two made a total of THIRTEEN films between 1934 and 1951. (He was engaged to Lorraine's prototype and hero Jean Harlow until her untimely death in 1937 at the age of 26. I know I'm a fountain of old movie trivia...) He has a big nose. LOL.

William did the first on-screen portrayal of Philo Vance in 1929. (I've seen this film. It's great! )

The Jacksons purchased a new radio and this is what I pulled off of Google for the fictional Bensimmon model:

And of course there were snacks to enjoy:

Shrimp Salad on Rye.

Deviled Ham in cucumber boats with a half of a cherry tomato. I have no IDEA why the hell that stuff looks BROWN when ham is supposed to be PINK.

Pate de foie gras (goose liver) on a cracker with a sliver of radish. This is second time in a fanfic I've given Marlon foie gras for some reason.
After it's discovered the girls have been beaten, Vylette is given refuge and put down to nap in Michael's bedroom.

Michael and Marlon's rooms will be somewhat similar, but in different color schemes to reflect thier tastes, as Michael Jackson did decorate most of the house--or so he claims. This room spoke to me and seemedlike some place Michael would sleep, especially with the portrait of the child above the mantle. In the story, you see what tweaks I made to it.
I really wanted to do something Michael Jackson would do, and that's give up his bed to his guest and try to accomodate her and make her as comfortable as humanly possible. In the end, Michael hand feeds Vylette a dish of chocolate ice cream. And I'm so anal, I had to see it.

Can you beleive I actually busted open a pint of Hagen Daas in order to eat some chocolate ice cream as I wrote that part.
And in an earlier inspiration post, I showed what Michael's red and black sports car looked like, but I neglected to show what Marlon's blue Cadillac looked like:

(So badass)
I do think this young foursome is getting deepr with each other, but there is still the outstanding problems of both Steven and Ulrich, how Dr. Mereaux and his wife regard these nouveau riche gents.
There's only one way to find out what happens NEXT. In chapter SIX coming soon!

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