Sunday, March 2, 2014

Inspirations for Chapter Two


I am a very visual sort of person, when it comes to my stories. I like to have ideas of things and see things in front of me as reference points. That's jsut the nature of my creative beast. I have over a thousand photos to reference for "Rage in Hell" alone and gather more daily to help with my future chapters. (And if I can't find exactly what I want I DO take a sketchpad and draw it out.) So I wanted to share some of the reference points for Chapter Two with you:

Vylette and Lorraine are exiting Mass at the start of Chapter Two and of course they wore thier "Sunday Best" to church. Vylette's dress is taken from the lilac one at the top left of the photo and Lorraine's fromt he bottom right (made pink because I don't like orange in general.) The dresses are pretty, but do reflect the 1920s as opposed to the 30s to show that the dresses are NOT new and recycled from earlier years in the wake of the Depression when nothing was to go to waste. I always want thier old clothing to contrast against the spank brand-new garments the Jacksons wear.

Walking up to Mumfree's Diner the girls come across Michael Jackson's car parked outside of it. I searched for about six solid months trying to find a car for Michael that looked like something he would actually drive. My only thing was, I wanted him to have an American car. I found this:

This is a 1930 Cadillac V-16 Boattail Speedster. When I saw this, the Heavens opened up. I can't see any other vehicle but THIS as Michael's ride. (Marlon will have a larger car to accomodate both couples and a bigger backseat--wink, wink.)
((Marlon's car is still in deliberation because I cannot decide between two cars, but by the end of chapter three you'll see it.)

The actual suit I put on Michael Jackson for chapter two in Mumfree's. Again, I do NOT like orange, so I made the pocket square the same as the tie, which I did like. But I hunted a suit out for Michael!
And shoes, can't forget the shoes!

I specifically wanted Marlon's first appearance to have him in a grey suit, because it "suits" him so well. I chose #5 in this pohot. But I made the shoes grey-wintips because, I don't want to break up the lines with a brown shoe. I want to keep the Jacksons as fashionable as I can. In a future chapter, you will see them in more "casual" clothes, but in town they will suit it up and look like male models.

And finally, during the scene Michael pulled out a pocketwatch in which he had broken the chain to it.

Michael's blue enamel and gold pocketwatch. This was the only one in a shade of blue I could find that I liked. And instead of the Fluer De Lis, I wanted only an "M" in gold. (so try to imagine that)
It looks like something he'd own, right? ((wait until you see his and Marlon's cigarette cases--masterly!)

Well, I just wanted to share this and give another peek into my mindset when writing. Enjoy, and remember, chapter THREE  is almost complete! Thank you for your reads!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome love it stupendous sis well put together ur the bomb diggity!!!
