Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Chapter Nine Visuals and Inspirations

Wow, did we cover a lot of ground in this chapter or what? I had a lot of things I wanted to express and have done within this chapter--such as the introduction of exiled English nobleman Sir Reginald Cavendish and the severing of ties, once and for all, with Steve Wilkes. (to disastrous results)

But I am going to start from the top and work my way down to the latter.

The chapter started with Vylette and Lorraine, dressing and primping and preparing to go to Jackson Manor. With Lorraine of course complaining about how outdated their clothing is. (As they were putting on their drop-waist Sunday dresses.) And Lorraine mentions what is called a "robe de style" dress. Some of you may not know what it is, but it seems in the 1920s, when this dress waspopular, women, freen of the constrains of hemlines were trying any and everything to be innovative:

1920s Boue Soeurs ‘Robe de Style’ by Sacheverelle on Flickr. 
I think it was inspired by that wide hoop skirt you saw on the likes of Marie Antoinette, back inthe 18th century, but with the shorter flapper skirt. It did use a hoop to get that exaggerated hip effect. This look was popular from 1925-1929. I hate it actually. Some woman actually wore THAT.

After being personally escorted to the Jackson Manor--by a policeman, no less--the girls are treated to a nice, big breakfast of sausages and eggs and croissants. And in particular, I hunted the china I wanted them to eat/drink from:

I thought it blended well with the green and brown earthy tones of dining room. Plus, I wanted to make sure it looked like something a MAN would choose. It has little naked cherubs on it, and I remember seeing a painting of Michael Jackson with little naked cherubs around him.

Because I am fucking awesome and pay attenion to EVERYTHING!
It was actually funny for me to write breakfast, because I don't eat breakfast. I have a cup of coffee and I'm gone, but I know back then, people did more than sit behind computer screens and did move around and thus could eat more.

Frankly, I don't know where the Asian-influenced morning scene came from. The Chinese lanterns were attatched to the trees on a spur of the moment, but I had planned for Marlon and Michael's lounging pajamas from the start. I remembered in the movie Jacksons: An American Dream, during the scene where Katherine ran off and left Joseph and Michael ran after the car, he was in Asian jammies.

Actor Wylie Draper as Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson in 1984 with promoter and All-American Douche, Don King.
I liked the silver on him here, and let it ride.

This was probably the chapter I've been waiting for to write since I began the story, because I love fashion and had been dying a slow death to get some more fashionable and new clothes onto Vylette and Lorraine's bodies.

This is the dress thier dresses were modeled after--shown on Myrna Loy (Vylette!!!) On Vylette the bodice is striped and on Lorraine I left it dotted.
Once again I was anal and planned everything down to the shoes and stockings.

To the left, is what I imagined Vylette's lingerie to look like, the pink lace and silk slip and panties, her stockings were pink though. And while you don't see Lorraine in her undies, I imagined it looked like the woman on the right.


Vylette's garters:

This is what happens when I have unlimited time and access to Google.

Vylette was able to dress and primp in the comfort and privacy of Michael Jackson's bathroom:

Of course, I changed all the orange to red. Thank God for Google!!!
Again, this is not hard work for me. I enjoy every moment I put into all this sort of thing.

Vylette had toiletry gifts such as her bottle of Exotique perfume:

Bet you didn't know that bottle was REAL!
And her comb/brush set:

There's a brief scene where Michael wants to see Vylette in the lingerie. I am absolutely in search of the perfect body for Vylette. While she has Myrna Loy's face, I don't beleive Myrna has the exactly perfect figure.

This woman is closer, but this is the ONLY photo I could find of her. But you get the idea, curvier, fuller, no sticks.
And Michael is seen topless:

Anytime Michael undresses, this is what I use as the guideline. If you squint, you can see his bush above his jeans waistband. (wink wink)

There was a brief scene where Vylette and Lorraine encounter Wallis coming back from a night out and Lorraine wanted to kill her for remarks she made.

I wish I could hug Clara Bow, because she is making my story! She is!!! (And it was just dumb luck finding her in stripes, just like Wallis! And of course, she's with a man!)
I'm so anal, I found the Vogue Michael bought for the girls:

Vogue, June 1931 issue which would have been out in late May. Vogue has been around since 1892 to the present day, so it will be promiment in my story.

Marlon's cigarette case because he smoked like a chimney for a while.
They finally get into New Orleans and sail through the French Quarter:

Honest to God, I've never BEEN to New Orleans, only to New Iberia to visit relatives and a few other towns for out of state pageants as a kid. So I actually had to shake out Google for help! LOL.
The foursome stops off at Michael Jackson's Palace theatre, which is still being built. While the interior is not shown, and will not be seen until it's grand opening on 4th of July weekend, I DO have a standing photo of the exterior:

This is actually an opera house in  real life, if I'm right. But I liked the rich, opulent look of it. I'm hanging onto the interior at the moment because I am still deciding be tween two different screenign rooms for it. But it'll be ostentatious, trust me.
It went unseen at the moment, but this IS the facade of Marlon's Paragon theatre:

The theatres will be radically different as you'll see in an upcoming chapter.
Nearer the end of the chapter, after Marlon wants to break the nose of the photographer for ogling Lorraine, they take lunch in a ritzy restaurant called The Gilded Lily.
(I like this name for a steak house so much , it's also the name of restaurants in about 5 other stories I've written, plus my novel, where its an asian-inspired place in the 80s)
It's an ivy covered eatery, and I spent alot of time, digging and finding the dining room.

I'm constantly always looking and thinking "Where would Michael go?" This is where he'd go, and that center table is where they ate.
I am a stickler for food and his the meal the Jacksons ate. To be honest, I found this plate AFTER I'd written the prime rib, lobster and potato. Dumb luck again.

Marlon's prime rib was "so rare you could hear it moo"

That is disgusting to me, and Marlon won't be eating anything rare again if I have to visualize that. (Maybe steak tartare, but that's it!)
It's in the restaurant that I introduced Sir Reginald Cavendish, who had been kicked out of England, for a yet undisclosed scandal.
He was a spur of the moment character I invented because I did want to get the Jacksons into a country club to open up the possiblilty for new characters beyond those in Rainelle Parish.
Sir Reginald is based on actor Vincent Price.

Yes, the SAME Vincent Price rapping on "Thriller". (This may be a low blow to VP fans, but Vincent was NOT actually English and only feigned the accent to seem distringuished.)
Sir Reginald is English and at first I wanted him younger, but it seemed a lot better to me to use him OLDER in this story.

I laughed my ass off, because he is dressed exactly as I described him in the restaurant--minus the biting Muppet, and this was found AFTER the story was up. I just felt a casual Englishman would dress this way.
His wife, Tabitha--Lady Cavendish--was mentioned, and while unseen, I plan to base her on the MUCH YOUNGER  Joan Blondell.

A cute, big-eyed natural blonde.
Michael does NOT like Sir Reginald and this will become more apparent as time goes on.

Speaking of people Michael Jackson cannot stand, the chapter ended with him kicking Steven Wilkes in the chest. He was poppoing all that good shit and then he got kicked in his chest!

I hunted all over creation to find a picture of George Brent angry--whom Steven is based on looks wise--and this is all I could find:

He's challenging that man to a duel--in 1852 New Orleans in "Jezebel. He got shot in the end. (spoiler alert if you wanted to see this movie!)

And while searching I found something hilarious:

George Brent and Myrna Loy in the 1939 film "The Rains Came"
(Come to think of it, in this film, Myrna left George for a "brown" man. An Indian played by Tyrone Power!!!)
Look hard y'all.
It's Steven and Vylette TOGETHER! And even there you can practically see Michael between them! LOL.


Oop! Oop! Did you see what I did there? You see? Haha!

Well that about sums up ALL my inspirations for chapter NINE and as you know, in cahtper TEN, things will become mighty HOT!!! Chaper TEN is in the works NOW! Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sis thanks for sharibg i love how u did everything :-)
