Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter Six Inspirations and Visuals--

Hey Y'all!

Thank you so much, again, for reading my blog and enjoying my story. You'll never know how deeply appreciative I am of each and every reader who takes time from thier busy day to look at this tale.
Big, massive hugs to everyone!

Okay on to inspiration. In this chapter, I wanted to not only touch on how it seems Dr. Meraux may be relenting on how he feels about the Jacksons--they are actually extended an invitation into the Meraux home, which leave Vylette and Lorraine reeling--but I wanted to showcase the Jackson property more, as it IS becoming more and more integral to the plot of the story.
And for the first time, Vylette is invited out to Jackson Manor, alone.
We learn this is not so much for Michael wanting to put the moves on Vylette, but to shield her cousin from the spectacle of a drunken Marlon.

Marlon Jackson made a very brief--yet comical--appearance in chapter six, completely intoxicated. But even then, I put a great amount of thought into his look. Between vomitting from the balcony and collapsing in the yard, after trying to fly like a bird, I did dress Marlon well anyway.
He is wearing green and white dotted pajamas. and I got the idea for the dotted pajamas from a film I had seen a few months ago--The Maltese Falcon (1931). This is NOT to be confused with the Bogart-Astor-Lorre Falcon made ten years later in 1941. (Bet you didn't know it was a remake!)

In the original. Ricardo Cortez wore dotted jammies. And while I shook out both Google and Tumblr I could NOT find the picture of him in the jammies anywhere. So I just Googled "30s dotted mens pajamas" and pulled this.

I just made them green because I figured they complimented Marlon's amber colored eyes better.
MICHAEL Jackson, though, was sober and was dressed in another preppy emsemble that I took from two inspirations:
One, his Billie Jean music video outfit:

And THIS bowtie, because I specifically wanted him in something purple.

After a while, they go upstairs for Michael to speak with his theatre designer, Antoine, and curse him out. The phone that inspired the one Michael yelled at him on:

The phone doesn't exactly look like that, because rotary phones didn't appear until the end of the 1930s and the curly curd would not come for decades later, but you get the idea and it meshes well with his burgundy/dark wood interior. You actually recalled a phone number to the operator. That's why Michael apologized at the end, because the operators COULD listen in on calls. (Also, phones didn't have the ringing bells inside the phone itself, those were hooked into the wall. So the WALL would actually ring, not the phone.)

Michael's office, with the tons of paintings...

The Genuine Tiffany Dragonfly lamp. (I did not have this picture before hand, but found it after the chapterwas up--I'm familiar with several designs of Tiffany lamps and things--also my name is TIFFENY--and I remembered this type of lamp. It came in several colors. It tickles me I found one withthe glass of punch beside it!)

I got very anal with Michael's office, and threw alot of details in,
His cigarette box:

He smokes. It's 1931--everyone smoked. Even cartoons smoked! Betty Boop, Felix the Cat...It's just something that was done and it would look strange if a grown didn't smoke. (All the male characters so far smoke. Dr. Meraux smokes a pipe, Father Lachey smokes cigars and the Jacksons, Steven and Ulrich smoke cigarettes.) He will NOT get cancer. This is all pretend. Michael didn't fire up in real life. No worries. He smokes three cigarettes. My own mother smoked two PACKS a day!

His ashtray. Michael Jackson did red to the max.

The Library, based on Michael Jackson's actual library at Neverland. I appreciate this man's taste!
Back in the office after Michael reads Antoine the Riot Act, he and Vylette chat and she notices his naked statue. THE STATUE IS REAL!

I did fucking backflips when I saw this. I looked at over 300 nude statues and when I saw this, time stopped for me. The hands literally looked like Michael Jackson's hands to me and I was like that's it, everyone else go home, the star has been found! It was perfect and the little body is the round, plump, healthy slim body I wanted for Vylette anyway. It could not have been more perfect if I found a sculptor and commissioned a nude. God is amazing!

And finally, this picture inspired the last scene of the chapter, where Michael gets a bit grabby with Vylette,

Originally, the chapter was to end with Michael giving Vylette the 10 dollars for the dinner and the kiss. It was not supposed to be explicit like it was, but I had several people ask for them to spark up like Marlon and Lorraine, well, that scene came. Like I always say, I don't write the stories, the stories write themselves because some strange force always invades my body and works through me and the blessing of a story unfolds. And I'm happy to share it. More is on the way chapter SEVEN!

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful sis i love thm all wen i read ur storys it feels like im there as im reading i be into it cuz its very interesting ur phenomenal as all get out ur some kind of special. :-) :-* <3 <3 <3 <3
