Friday, June 6, 2014

Writer's Block

Hi Y'all,

I know everyone is eagerly waiting on the next installment of "Rage in Hell" and trust me, I am doing my very best to write it. But, unfortunately,I have been stricken with a case of Writer's Block. And trust me, to a person who loves to write as much as I do, a Block is like the worst bottling up of my creative flow. I can honestly say I have written and thrown out over SIXTY pages, in an effort to get chapter thirteen off the ground.
There just has been a lot going on for me in the last couple of weeks. The untimely of a good family friend, an injury to my knee that hampers my ability to walk at times and some other personal issues. All of which had clouded my mind.
But I do hope to resolve this problem soon, and as soon as I do, the chapter will be completed and put up for the reading and enjoyment of everyone.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. It WILL pay off.



  1. How do u eat an elephant? 1 bite at a time, take ur time and God will give the inspiration, I have enjoyed so far and ur true fans will wait, get urself 2gether and stay blessed, Peace

  2. Thank you so much for the support and kind words Alice. I truly needed to hear that. I really did. And I promise, you'll enjoy the new chapter too!
